Sunday 14 September 2008

An unexpected liaison

"Is Joy Division your boyfriend?" Asks my my increasingly cool/annoying sister (aged 14). I ignore her and she asks another 411 times before I scream in panic and ask her to go away. But she has a point. We do spend time together most days, acting like a couple in public?!?!?! 

But its nice. Lets take it for what it is, he is struck down by an amazon who does even more stupid things than he does...

In general my life is a bit unexpected at the moment. Miss Mortal is over and we have both developed a passion for Guitar Hero. We are convinced that talent in this brilliant game will impress men = get us laid, once back at university (that's approximately 17 days..). Other than that we bake muffins, go for walks and drink tea. I also have a new love in my life, my Surf One longboard, that I think makes me look very cool. The closer I get to my 21st birthday the more of a 11-year-old I turn into.

(And then, a bit too often, we do go to bars/friends houses/restaurants and drink vodka. For some reason, usually in company with Joy Division and his disturbed friends.)

Pardon me. Now I shall go have breakfast with the parents

1 comment:

Chris Cactus said...

Hey, the closer to 35 I get, the more 11 I actually am ;)